Sunday, May 3, 2009

The End of GE-555 .. Reflection on my last semester @ SPC ..

When signing up for my last course at Saint Peter's College I looked over all of the possible electives that I could take. When I saw this course as one that I could possibly select I was very interested. I love using technology in my classroom but I hadn't taken an online course since my undergrad degree. After talking to Dr. Luongo and seeing how helpful she was I was happy that I had chosen this course. Using a Mac for some of these activities in the beginning I was a little nervous that I would not be able to get all my work done but Dr. Luongo answered all of my questions and made the process very easy.

Looking back at all the courses that I have taken at SPC, I would have to say that this one was by far my favorite course. We learned so many different and fun ways to incorporate technology into our classrooms in just one semester. I have to say my students love that I am in this course because every day I am now trying new things that we have either had to work with doing projects in this class or just from ideas that I have read in others blogs.

Blogging has to be one of my favorite parts of this course. I have now even started my own class blog on wiki for my second graders and they love it. This course really openned my eyes to a variety of new ways to incorporate technology into my classroom. I have said that I might now be done with going back to school. But lately I find myself talking about possibly going back for another masters.. possibly one in Educational Technology. If I do end up doing that I would have to say it is mainly because of taking this course.

Thanks to everyone who has read my blogs and to those that I have read thanks for sharing it was definitly fun to read!

The End .. or well .. maybe.. the beginning...