Wednesday, April 29, 2009


At first, when I signed up for this site I really did not understand it at all.  I could not figure out how it could be so helpful when I could not find anything on it at all.  Then I went back to the site and tried again and was able to find a variety of resources for all different subjects in a variety of grade levels.  I think this was a good site to join and take resources from.  There are many great ideas that I have gotten that I plan on using in future lessons from information that I found on this site.  It is very important for teachers to have the internet to produce resources from, with the world constantly changing and people inventing new things everyday it is important that we stay up to date so that our students are never behind.  CLRN is just another way that teachers can find new tools to challenge their students minds with.  Thanks for sharing this with us!

Lesson Planning

Lesson planning is one of the most important tasks of a teachers job.  If a teacher just tries to wing a lesson it most likely will have many things wrong with it.  Classroom management can become a problem when a teacher does not plan his/her lessons prior to teaching them.  Students will either be waiting for something to start and if there is that wait time they most likely will not be sitting quietly.  

I try to use technology in every subject while lesson planning.  The more comfortable I make my students with technology early on in the year the more they will flourish later on.  It can make teaching a lesson become so much more interesting and fun when you have students just super excited to work.  I have found out so much information from this course.   The variety of ideas and tips from this class to incorporate into my classroom planning has just made my teaching level reach an all time high.  

The lesson plan that I submitted was just one of the lessons that I had taught last week to my own class.  This assignment was just another great way to share ideas with others; sometimes just looking at someone else's lesson, just to get an idea is really worth the time.  Hopefully everyone else had a good experience with it as well. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Social Networking

I have to admit social networking at time is just the best thing invented, especially when you need to contact someone or ask something to a person that is halfway around the world.  I have personally had experience with different types of social networks and find them to be a great way to communicate with people that I have lost touch with or people that have moved far away and it costs so much money to talk to on the phone.  I think that some people have taken social networking way too far though.  I know way too many people that have become addicted to things like facebook and myspace.  It is not healthy to eliminate all face-to-face contact with the world and soley rely on using technology to communicate with others.  On the internet you can pretend to be anything that you want because who would really know unless they met you.  That is the scary thing though, do you really even know who you are talking to?? I think social networking is great but the world needs to use it in the right context.

The Book...

This was by far my favorite video this module.  It was something that we now can sit and laugh at. Like the man really needed to call the help desk to have someone explain how to use a book.  But that is not too far off on how some people feel about using a computer especially the first time they are using it by themselves.  When books first came out I can see some people being scared of it because it is something new and they have to change/adapt to the new age.  It does shed some light on others that do not understand technology and how they feel when they first encounter it.  Thanks for posting this video I showed it to my whole family and they all really enjoyed it.  My mom found it really funny since she was the last one I know to finally learn how to use a computer and now she uses it all the time.  Now if I could only get her to use a cell phone.