Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Social Networking

I have to admit social networking at time is just the best thing invented, especially when you need to contact someone or ask something to a person that is halfway around the world.  I have personally had experience with different types of social networks and find them to be a great way to communicate with people that I have lost touch with or people that have moved far away and it costs so much money to talk to on the phone.  I think that some people have taken social networking way too far though.  I know way too many people that have become addicted to things like facebook and myspace.  It is not healthy to eliminate all face-to-face contact with the world and soley rely on using technology to communicate with others.  On the internet you can pretend to be anything that you want because who would really know unless they met you.  That is the scary thing though, do you really even know who you are talking to?? I think social networking is great but the world needs to use it in the right context.


  1. Social Networking is cool. It gives you an opportunity to explore your options outside of your local community through technolgy and ads in newspaper.

  2. I agree and think social networking is great, but I think at some point kids today are going to lose some of the social skills they need to learn. Forging relationships through the computer isn't a bad thing, but I think we have to make sure this is not the only way our students are communicating. Too often students are becoming dependent on these websites, I am not so sure this is the healthiest thing.

  3. Great posting.

    I agree social networking can get out of control, but let's face it-- it is here to stay. Hence, we need to teach our students how to use it appropriately.
