Sunday, February 15, 2009


At first when I looked at this assignment I was completely unsure what a webquest was and not really looking forward to creating one.  After viewing all of the videos and examining the other materials on what webquests are and how to create them my overwhelmed feelings started to ease.  I had heard of them before but as far as seeing what one actually was or thinking about creating one well that was far from ever happening to me.  I have found a couple of really great webquests on quest garden though and actually am incorporating them into my lesson plans for the next week.  I think this will help me get more familiar with them and they seem very fun that I think my students will really enjoy them.  Thank you Dr. Luongo for the extension though this really helps.  


  1. Webquests can be a little overwhelming. There's a lot to do, a lot to consider, and think about when you begin the process.

    They can potentially serve a great purpose within the classroom. My only concern, for you Kristin would be how to use it for a 2nd grade class? I have a hard time simplifying for that age. I hope yours goes well. :)

    I hope you're not too overwhelmed. If you're having difficulty, I also suggest that you refer to the transcripts of questions that Prof. Luongo posted on Blackboard (if you haven't already).

  2. I agree with Kristen, and like Diana says, teaching the younger kids like you do might be a challenge, but in the other hand it could be a great way to teach them to search the web, I believe maybe doing a storyteller type or a hide and seek like the ones Nicolodeon has online so the kids can follow shapes, colors and numbers may be a way to go!

  3. WebQuests for second graders can be done. As you have seen, many quests are group projects where you can place higher level and lower level students in cooperative groups.

    Once you "train" your students to use the format and create grade-level appropriate materials, they will catch on!

    Thanks for posting!

  4. (Just to clarify)I'm sure that WebQuests can be done for the younger kids. I would have a hard time making one for younger grades. Although, I'm sure they can be done. :) The kids would probably have a great time with them! :)
